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Roaming Tortoise

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  • newiron0099
    Yeah idk who in their right mind lets them walk around their house. If you’re in an outdoor friendly climate, leave it there with a suitable setup. If you can only for part of the year or not at all, ensure the actual enclosure is big enough & suitable for your tort. It’s simple lol. A tortoise free roaming around someone’s kitchen is the dumbest shit I keep seeing on here & it’s so common.

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  • ernie
    Sorry for the delay, checked a few times after post but no replies so stopped checking. I saw him/her on a country road in Tehama County outside of Paskenta, CA. near my home. By near l mean about 7 miles from my place. Cattle country, gravel toad, big ranches, 1000 acres plus. I was blown away when l saw him. Biggest tortoise l've ever seen. Don't know if it's a runaway or some body dumped him. I went out the next day to try and find him but no luck. Thanks for the reply

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  • Turtle Times Admin
    Hi Ernie, it is a African Spurred Tortoise / Sulcata. Beautiful looking too! What country was this?

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  • ernie
    started a topic Roaming Tortoise

    Roaming Tortoise

    Came across this tortoise walking up a country road on my way home. Very surprised to see this. Photos enclosed and l have no idea what type/species it is, can you help?
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